Monday, May 28, 2012

Real Face of Terrorist Brahmin - Atankwadi Brahman ka Asli Cehara

News from Mulniwasi Nayak dated : 020911

Afzal Guru Brahman Hai

News from Mulniwasi Nayak dated : 220911

Dost Kaun Dushman Kaun Pahachano....

Na-Mardh Brahman Aatankwadi

News from Mulniwasi Nayak dated : 251011

Bada Garv hai in Brahmano ko Us Na-Mardh Brahman Natthuram Godse par.
Jisne Gandhi ki Hatya Muslim Libas mein kiya, Aur Khatna bhi karne nahi bhula, Taki postmortem report mein Muslim najar aaye...
Likin Kudrat ne us Na-Mardh Videshi Brahman Godse ko saat nahi diya.
Iss tarah se Muslim ko Badnam karte aaye hai ye Videshi Brahman.

Indian Muslim not Terrorist - Muslim Atankwadi nahi

News from Mulniwasi Nayak dated : 071111

Atankwadi Mulniwasi Muslim nahi,
Videshi Brahman Hai, Brahman hai aur Brahman hi hai......

Face Book Deleted my....

Face Book ne Delete kiya

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Jain Knowledge - Marathi

News from Mulniwasi Nayak dated : 260311

Foolan Devi World's 4th Revolutionary Women

News from Mulniwasi Nayak dated : 050412

Brahman Media ne iss Khabar ko dabaye rakha, Kyo ki Wo nahi chahata aapni Maut ittne jaldi.

Jain Knowledge - Marathi

News from Mulniwasi Nayak dated : 060412

Jain Knowledge - Marathi

News from Mulniwasi Nayak dated : 270512

Ganga River Cleaning - Gujrati

News from Mulniwasi Nayak dated : 230512
FaceBook Removed this content on 270512

Pahele Brahmano ne Ganga ko Ganda kiya, ab kahate ki saaf karo,
Hamare Mulniwasiyo ka Bheja gharab karke, unko gulam banaker ye 3% Brahman desh ke sari sampati ko lut kar desh ko charitra kharab kar rahe hai,
aysa kayo karta hai ye Brahman kayo ki wo is Bharat desh ka nahi hai Videshi hai. To iss Videshi Brahmano ko is Bharat desh se  safai kar do, Sari Nadiya Saaf ho jayegi.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Shivaji Maharaj aur Muslim

Reality of Shirdi ke Sai Baba.- Gujrati

News from Mulniwasi Nayak dated : 24;25;260512



“तिरंगे को पैरोँ तले रौँदा था RSS. ने”

"RSS ने आज़ादी की लड़ाई में जनता की भावनाओं का साथ नहीं दिया"

बीजेपी क्यों आज इतनी ज्यादा राष्ट्रप्रेम की बात करती है ? उत्तर स्पष्ट है. इसलिए कि बीजेपी के मातृ संगठन, आर एस एस ने आज़ादी की लड़ाई में कभी भी हिस्सा नहीं लिया था. 1930 और 1940 के दशक में जब आज़ादी की लड़ाई पूरे उफान पर थी तो आर एस एस का कोई भी आदमी या सदस्य उसमें शामिल नहीं हुआ था. यहाँ तक कि जहां भी तिरंगा फहराया गया, आर एस एस वालों ने कभी उसे सैल्यूट तक नहीं किया. आर एस एस ने हमेशा ही भगवा झंडे को तिरंगे से ज्यादा महत्व दिया. 30 जनवरी 1948 को जब मोहनदास गाँधी की हत्या कर दी गयी तो इस तरह की खबरें आई थीं कि आर एस एस के लोग तिरंगे झंडे को पैरों से रौंद रहे थे. यह खबर उन दिनों के अखबारों में खूब छपी थीं आज़ादी के संग्राम में शामिल लोगों को आर एस एस की इस हरकत से बहुत तकलीफ हुई थी. उनमें जवाहरलाल नेहरू भी एक थे. 24 फरवरी को उन्होंने अपने एक भाषण में अपनी पीडा को व्यक्त किया था. उन्होंने कहा कि खबरें आ रही हैं कि आर एस एस के सदस्य तिरंगे का अपमान कर रहे हैं. उन्हें मालूम होना चाहिए कि राष्ट्रीय झंडे का अपमान करके वे अपने आपको देशद्रोही साबित कर रहे हैं.
यह तिरंगा हमारी आज़ादी के लड़ाई का स्थायी साथी रहा है जबकि आर एस एस वालों ने आज़ादी की लड़ाई में देश की जनता की भावनाओं का साथ नहीं दिया था. तिरंगे की अवधारणा पूरी तरह से कांग्रेस की देन है. तिरंगे झंडे की बात सबसे पहले आन्ध्र प्रदेश के मसुलीपट्टम के कांग्रेसी कार्यकर्ता पी वेंकय्या के दिमाग में उपजी थी. 1918 और 1921 के बीच हर कांग्रेस अधिवेशन में वे राष्ट्रीय झंडे को फहराने की बात करते थे. महात्मा गाँधी को यह विचार तो ठीक लगता था लेकिन उन्होंने वेंकय्या जी की डिजाइन में कुछ परिवर्तन सुझाए. मोहनदास गाँधी की बात को ध्यान में रहकर दिल्ली के देशभक्त लाला हंसराज ने सुझाव दिया कि बीच में चरखा लगा दिया जाए तो ज्यादा सही रहेगा. मोहनदास गाँधी को लालाजी की बात अच्छी लगी और थोड़े बहुत परिवर्तन के बाद तिरंगे को राष्ट्रीय ध्वज के रूप में स्वीकार कर लिया गया. उसके बाद कांग्रेस के सभी कार्यक्रमों में तिरंगा फहराया जाने लगा. अगस्त 1931 में कांग्रेस की एक कमेटी बनायी गयी जिसने झंडे में कुछ परिवर्तन का सुझाव दिया. वेंकय्या के झंडे में लाल रंग था. उसकी जगह पर भगवा पट्टी कर दी गयी. उसके बाद सफ़ेद पट्टी और सबसे नीचे हरा रंग किया गया. चरखा बीच में सफ़ेद पट्टी पर सुपर इम्पोज कर दिया गया. मोहनदास गाँधी ने इस परिवर्तन को सही बताया और कहा कि राष्ट्रीय ध्वज अहिंसा और राष्ट्रीय एकता की निशानी है.
आज़ादी मिलने के बाद तिरंगे में कुछ परिवर्तन किया गया. संविधान सभा की एक कमेटी ने तय किया कि उस वक़्त तक तिरंगा कांग्रेस के हर कार्यक्रम में फहराया जाता रहा है लेकिन अब देश सब का है. उन लोगों का भी जो आज़ादी की लड़ाई में अंग्रेजों के मित्र के रूप में जाने जाते थे. इसलिए चरखे की जगह पर अशोक चक्र को लगाने का फैसला किया गया. जब मोहनदास गाँधी को इसकी जानकारी दी गयी तो उन्हें ताज्जुब हुआ. बोले कि कांग्रेस तो हमेशा से ही राष्ट्रीय रही है. इसलिए इस तरह के बदलाव की कोई ज़रुरत नहीं है. लेकिन उन्हें नयी डिजाइन के बारे में राजी कर लिया गया.
 ज्ञात हो कि बीजेपी की मालिक आर एस एस के मुख्यालय पर 2003 तक कभी भी तिरंगा झंडा नहीं फहराया गया था. वो तो जब 2004 में तत्कालीन बीजेपी की नेता उमा भारती तिरंगा फहराने कर्नाटक के हुबली की ओर कूच कर चुकी थीं तो लोगों ने अखबारों में लिखा कि हुबली में झंडा फहराने के साथ साथ उमा भारती को नागपुर के आर एस एस के मुख्यालय में भी झंडा फहरा लेना चाहिए. तब जाकर आर एस एस ने अपने दफ्तर पर झंडा फहराया.
-          लेखिका नीलाक्षी सिंह अपनी बेबाक लिखावट के लिए जानी जाती हैं ! इलाहाबाद में रहने वाली नीलाक्षी फ़िराक गोरखपुरी के शेर- हो जिन्हे शक, वो करें और खुदाओं की तलाश / हम तो इन्सान को दुनिया का खुदा कहते हैं को अपनी फिलोसोफी मान कर सभी धर्मो की रूढ़िवादिता पर अक्सर अपने कलम से प्रहार करती है, उनसे पर संपर्क किया जा सकता है .

Prabodankar Thakre - हिंदुधर्म हे एक भलें मोठें भटी गौडबंगाल

हिंदुधर्म हे एक भलें मोठें भटी गौडबंगाल आणि 
हिंदु संस्कृती म्हणजे एक   बिनबुडाचे पिचके गाडगे.......
संदर्भ :-  देवळाचा धर्म आणि धर्माची देवळे प्रबोधनकार

काळाच्या कुचाळक्या करण्यांत हिंदु जनांनी दाखविलेला पराक्रम आज त्यांच्या सर्वांगीण अधःपातांत स्पष्ट उमटलेला आहे. आजचा हिंदु समाज `समाजया नांवाला कुपात्र ठरलेला आहे. हिंदुधर्म हे एक भलें मोठें भटी गौडबंगाल आणि हिंदु संस्कृती म्हणजे एक   बिनबुडाचे पिचके गाडगे

या पेक्षा त्यांत विशेष असें काहींच नाहीं. उभ्या हिंदुस्थानांत दुर्गादेवी दुष्काळ बोकाळला तरी भटांच्या पोटापाण्याच्या प्रश्नाला भटेतरांच्या फाजील उदारपणामुळे कसलाच चिमटा बसत नाहीं. यामुळें धर्म संस्कृती संघटण इत्यादि प्रश्नांवर पुराणें प्रवचनांची तोंडझोड उठविण्याइतकी त्यांची फुप्फुसें अझून बरींच दणकट राहिलीं आहेत. म्हणून पुष्कळ बावळटांना अझून वाटतें कीं हिंदू समाज अझून जिवंत आहे. एकूण एक व्यक्ती द्वैतानें सडून गेलेली स्वच्छ दिसते, तरी `द्वैतांतच अद्वैत आहेम्हणून शंख करणारे तत्त्वज्ञानीही काहीं कमी आढळत नाहींत. परंतु वास्तविक स्थिती विचारवंताना पूर्ण कळलेली आहे. `द्वैतांतच अद्वैतअजमावण्याची भटी योगधारणा आमच्या सारख्या सुधारकांना जरी साधलेली नाहीं, तरी कालचक्राशीं हुज्जत खेळणा-या हिंदू समाजाचें भवितव्य अजमाविण्यासाठी ज्योतिषीबुवांचे पायच कांहीं आम्हाला धरायला नको. सभोंवार परिस्थितीचा जो नंगा नाच चालूं आहे. आत्मस्तोमांच्या टिकावासाठीं भिक्षुकशाहीची जीं कारस्थानें गुप्तपणानें सुरूं आहेत, आणि दिव्यावरच्या पतंगाप्रमाणें भटेतर लोक या कारस्थानांत जे फटाफट चिरडले जात आहेत, त्यावरून हिंदु समाजाचें भविष्य फारसें उज्ज्वल नाहीं, असें स्पष्ट
नमूद करायला या लेखणींस फार कष्ट होत आहेत. निराशाजनक अशाहि अवस्थेंत हिंदुसमाज जगविण्याचे कांहीं राजमार्ग आमच्या धर्मबांधवास सुचविणें हेंच वास्तविक प्रबोधनाचें आद्य कर्तव्य आहे.
संदर्भ :-  देवळाचा धर्म आणि धर्माची देवळे प्रबोधनकार

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Brahmni Sanskruti

News from Mulniwasi Nayak dated : 050911

Brahmins Responsible for All the Bomb Blast in India

Mulniwasi Nayak Dated 041111

Mulniwasi Bhatke


Brahman Aliens Scientifically Proved

It is From Times of India News,
This was not printed in Local News paper, It was not for Mulniwasis, It was a personal Message to Brahmins, to aware them the facts, and to be prepared in all the sense.
When Mulniwasis came to know the fact, of this, they had removed from their archives.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Savarkar's Apology Letter ....Content and Analysis

Savarkar's Apology Letter ....Content and Analysis

Petition from V D Savarkar (Convict No. 32778) to the Home Member of the Government of India, dated November 14, 1913.

I beg to submit the following points for your kind consideration:
(1) When I came here in 1911 June, I was along with the rest of the convicts of my party taken to the office of the Chief Commissioner. There I was classed as "D" meaning dangerous prisoner; the rest of the convicts were not classed as "D". Then I had to pass full 6 months in solitary confinement. The other convicts had not. During that time I was put on the coir pounding though my hands were bleeding. Then I was put on the oil-mill - the hardest labour in the jail. Although my conduct during all the time was exceptionally good still at the end of these six months I was not sent out of the jail; though the other convicts who came with me were. From that time to this day I have tried to keep my behaviour as good as possible.
(2) When I petitioned for promotion I was told I was a special class prisoner and so could not be promoted. When any of us asked for better food or any special treatment we were told "You are only ordinary convicts and must eat what the rest do". Thus Sir, Your Honour would see that only for special disadvantages we are classed as special prisoners.
(3) When the majority of the casemen were sent outside I requested for my release. But, although I had been cased (caned?) hardly twice or thrice and some of those who were released, for a dozen and more times, still I was not released with them because I was their casemen. But when after all, the order for my release was given and when just then some of the political prisoners outside were brought into the troubles I was locked in with them because I was their casemen.
(4) If I was in Indian jails I would have by this time earned much remission, could have sent more letters home, got visits. If I was a transportee pure and simple I would have by this time been released, from this jail and would have been looking forward for ticket-leave, etc. But as it is, I have neither the advantages of the Indian jail nor of this convict colony regulation; though had to undergo the disadvanatges of both.
(5) Therefore will your honour be pleased to put an end to this anomalous situation in which I have been placed, by either sending me to Indian jails or by treating me as a transportee just like any other prisoner. I am not asking for any preferential treatment, though I believe as a political prisoner even that could have been expected in any civilized administration in the Independent nations of the world; but only for the concessions and favour that are shown even to the most depraved of convicts and habitual criminals? This present plan of shutting me up in this jail permanently makes me quite hopeless of any possibility of sustaining life and hope. For those who are term convicts the thing is different, but Sir, I have 50 years staring me in the face! How can I pull up moral energy enough to pass them in close confinement when even those concessions which the vilest of convicts can claim to smoothen their life are denied to me? Either please to send me to Indian jail for there I would earn (a) remission; (b) would have a visit from my people come every four months for those who had unfortunately been in jail know what a blessing it is to have a sight of one’s nearest and dearest every now and then! (c) and above all a moral - though not a legal - right of being entitled to release in 14 years; (d) also more letters and other little advantages. Or if I cannot be sent to India I should be released and sent outside with a hope, like any other convicts, to visits after 5 years, getting my ticket leave and calling over my family here. If this is granted then only one grievance remains and that is that I should be held responsible only for my own faults and not of others. It is a pity that I have to ask for this - it is such a fundamental right of every human being! For as there are on the one hand, some 20 political prisoners - young, active and restless, and on the other the regulations of a convict colony, by the very nature of them reducing the liberties of thought and expression to lowest minimum possible; it is but inevitable that every now and then some one of them will be found to have contravened a regulation or two and if all be held responsible for that, as now it is actually done - very little chance of being left outside remains for me.
In the end may I remind your honour to be so good as to go through the petition for clemency, that I had sent in 1911, and to sanction it for being forwarded to the Indian Government? The latest development of the Indian politics and the conciliating policy of the government have thrown open the constitutional line once more. Now no man having the good of India and Humanity at heart will blindly step on the thorny paths which in the excited and hopeless situation of India in 1906-1907 beguiled us from the path of peace and progress. Therefore if the government in their manifold beneficence and mercy release me, I for one cannot but be the staunchest advocate of constitutional progress and loyalty to the English government which is the foremost condition of that progress. As long as we are in jails there cannot be real happiness and joy in hundreds and thousands of homes of His Majesty’s loyal subjects in India, for blood is thicker than water; but if we be released the people will instinctively raise a shout of joy and gratitude to the government, who knows how to forgive and correct, more than how to chastise and avenge. Moreover my conversion to the constitutional line would bring back all those misled young men in India and abroad who were once looking up to me as their guide. I am ready to serve the government in any capacity they like, for as my conversion is conscientious so I hope my future conduct would be. By keeping me in jail nothing can be got in comparison to what would be otherwise. The Mighty alone can afford to be merciful and therefore where else can the prodigal son return but to the parental doors of the government?
Hoping your Honour will kindly take into notion these points.
The authenticity of the above letter has been established time and again by eminent historians of India chief amongst them ironically is Mr.R. C. Mujumdar who himself belongs to the hindutva camp.Yet many of the Savarkar supporters are in a denial mode.Even then after this the psyche of Savarkar behind writing this letter (and 3 others) began to be probed into.
The common defense that comes in the support of Mr Savarkar is that he wrote the letters to trick the british Govt into setting him free so that once he comes out he could do his work again.So much strong is the argument that Savarkar's this letter is even compared to the letters written by Shivaji Maharaj to Aurangazeb while the former was in captive at Agra. This argument I suspect should have come from the RSS as they idolize Savarkar.But is there even a grain of truth in it?I say not.
If we see the mercy plea carefully we will find that in the first half Savarkar writes about the bitter treatment and complains about the food.This is hardly going to hurt hurt the british empire anyway.The sole purpose for including those things is for a better life for himself.
Even if the argument in the second part is to be believed that Savarkar wanted to trick the British Govt, one can say that he succeeded, though not immediately.Savarkar was sentenced to 50 yrs but was released in 14 yrs.
What the Hindutva camp do not say out in loud is that even congress member and Sardar Patels brother Vitthalbhai Patel backed by Mahatma Gandhi moved to court seek Savarkars release in 1920.
Was it due to his letters or congress effort or change of heart of the British Savarkar was released in 1924.What is interesting to note is Savarkars behavior after his release.
For that read the Paragraph again
"...Therefore if the government in their manifold beneficence and mercy release me, I for one cannot but be the staunchest advocate of constitutional progress and loyalty to the English government which is the foremost condition of that progress. As long as we are in jails there cannot be real happiness and joy in hundreds and thousands of homes of His Majesty’s loyal subjects in India, for blood is thicker than water; but if we be released the people will instinctively raise a shout of joy and gratitude to the government, who knows how to forgive and correct, more than how to chastise and avenge. Moreover my conversion to the constitutional line would bring back all those misled young men in India and abroad who were once looking up to me as their guide. I am ready to serve the government in any capacity they like, for as my conversion is conscientious so I hope my future conduct would be...."
Savarkar promised that he would never go against the british govt and that he would bring back the "young men misled on the path of freedom" back on the track.If we examine the works of Savarkar after his release we find that he did exactly what he promised.
For some reasons best known to Savarkar himself, he suddenly had no objections to the British ruling India.He became an law-abiding citizen of the British India.He gave up his freedom struggle activities and started his Hindutva campaign.There is not a single speech, single article, single call to the nations by Savarkar after 1924 in which Savarkar critisized the British.He neither joined Congress which was working for the freedom of the country from the british rule nor did he start any political body of his own supporting that cause.
All his guns which were first pointed towards the British now were trained at the Muslims.Some of the quote of his would be sufficient for stating how he was creating communal tension in the times when hindu muslim unity was the need of the hour.
“The scandalous activities of Bengal Moslem gundas and proselytisers, working hand in hand have become so persistent and so notorious that one cannot understand how the Hindus in East Bengal have grown so incredibly emasculated” ; “The Moslem shopkeepers, those who visit Hindu ladies for selling glass bangles, Moslem servants in Hindu houses – all try to seduce or kidnap boys and girls and generally force them to accept Mahommedanism”[V. D. SAVARKAR, “Facts Without Comment”, Pg 180.]
This is not the only thing.He promised full co-operation to the Britishers.In 1937 he urged all the hindus to help the britishers in the war under the pretext of getting trained in arms and ammunitions so that it can be used latter.Could there have been any better opportunity of using the training than assisting Subhash Chandra Bose?But did Savarkar ever make any call to his hindu youths to join Subhash Babu??Nay...Infact so active was Savarkar in assiting the British army that because of his zeal many congress people even called him as the recruiting officer of the british army.
That Savarkar did not participate in any freedom struggle activities post his cellular jail is an established promised in the letter.
That Savarkar opposed congress and Gandhiji(who backed his release from cellular jail) is an established fact.... as promised in the letter
That Savarkar diverted lacks of hindus youths from the path of freedom struggle to his Hindutva is an established promised in the letter.
That Savarkar helped the britishers is an established fact...again as promised in the letter.
Savarkar staunchly advocated the two-nation theory and the partition of India. He said: “I have no quarrel with Mr. Jinnah’s two-nation theory. We, Hindus are a nation by ourselves and it is a historical fact that Hindus and Muslims are two nations”[V.D. SAVARKAR, Hindutva, 140.]
A.G.Noorani notes that Savarkar propounded the two-nation theory first in 1923 in his Hindutva and next in 1937 in his presidential address to the Hindu Mahasabha
In his early days when he wrote "The war of Independence 1857" written in 1909 he stresses on Hindu-Muslim unity appreciating even the muslims for their role,criticizing the British Govt.But post his Andaman Days his hindu muslim unity goes out of the windown and he says "Muslim remains a Muslim first and Muslim last and Indians never" [V.D.SAVARKAR, Hindu Sanghatan, 68]
A lot more of his quotes can be brought out but that would be unecessary.I am sure readers would have formed their opinion by now.Is there any truth in the claim that Savarkar had begged for his freedom only to fool the British?To me his actions doesnt say so...
One last thing that needs to be said is about the comparison of Savarkar to Shivaji Maharaj.If Shivaji Maharaj wrote the letters, he on gaining the freedom from the Emperor faught back, but Savarkar when he wrote the letters on gaining freedom chickened out....Thats the difference between Great and Pseudo-Great.

Reality of Shirdi ke Sai Baba.- Hindi

Who is This "Shirdi Ka Sai Baba" "Swami Samarth" & Shegaon's "Gajanan Maharaj
Reality of Shirdi ke Sai Baba.

State & Central Government are Killing the Adhiwasis

See How the State & Central Government are Killing the Adhiwasis in the Name of Naxalites.
So that After declaring them Naxalites in Brahman media, they can win the confidence of the Indians and then they can kill them and grab the land and give it to the Industrialist, in dirt cheap prices, for extracting the minerals underneath and export it.
Who gains who looses.
Of-course Brahmins gains and Mulniwasis looses their Natural wealth.
So Mulniwasis start using our own brains

Alien Brahmins are making Fun of Adhiwasis

See How Alien Brahmins are making Fun of Adhiwasis.

We have to throw them out, to make India better.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Brahman Meherban To Gadha Pahalwan

Brahman Meherban To Gadha Pahalwan,
See How Supreme Court supports the Brahmins, Because the Brahmins have Absolute Authority on Courts in India, Not Mulniwasi of India. That's the reason why Indian Inhabitants do not get Justice.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Nehru 420

Do You Know????
Nehru had consulted Sankaracharay for the India Independence Date, and also carried out Yagna, so that he can Establish the Videshi Brahman Raj.
Nehru made (1st President of India) Rajendra Prasad to wash the Feet of Brahmins and compelled him to drink that dirty water, just because Rajendra Prasad was Mulniwasi of this land, so that he wanted to hint brahmins that he has established Brahmin Raj in the Country.
This is one of the Reason in India Mulniwasis are dying of Hunger, doing Suicides, Unemployed, No Education etc.
But now the OBC’s have gained knowledge, and they can not be fooled anymore.
Its time for these Cruel Brahmins to find their way out of the country, or else these Mulniwasi’s of India won’t spare them